Monday, April 11, 2011

Flyer Find

After sending off for a handful of coupons and scouring my house for ones I already had kicking around, I knew I had to start looking for deals at my local supermarket to maximize my savings. There are two ways to do this: online or with flyers.

In the beginning I didn’t get flyers in my mailbox so I simply went online to to check out local deals. Some prefer this method as it saves them from having to go through the sales flyers manually and doesn’t add to clutter around the house. I prefer the manual method however – I like having the deals in my hot little hands.

Since I don’t subscribe to our daily newspaper, I needed to find out how I would receive sales flyers at my doorstep. After a little searching I contacted a local company that delivers all the sales flyers on Tuesday and Thursdays for FREE. I was set, now all I had to do is combine my coupons with the sales!

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