Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Aha Moment!

I would never call myself a savvy shopper, in fact, even though I bought things on sale and would often buy generic to save a little cash at the register, I never really used savings tactics to the full potential. That was until I became what is now to be called a Coupon Clipping Goddess!

Like many others, I’m currently a stay at home mom trying to pay bills and make the all mighty dollar stretch as far as I can. And to do that I cut back on some bills, got companies to lower payments and so on. But it wasn’t until I learned about The Krazy Coupon Lady out of the U.S. that coupon clipping piqued my interest.

I just happened to have The Nate Burkes Show on in the family room while I was busy working on one of my websites and a story came on about a mother of four spending an outrageous amount every week at her local grocery store. Originally her bill came out to $414 at the till but with help from The Krazy Coupon Lady team, she got her bill down to an astonishing $37 for the same products plus some! This was my “aha” moment like Oprah likes to call it. How in the world can you save $377 on groceries? And to boot she got lots of them free or for mere pennies!

And from then on I was hooked!

I may be just starting out but already I can feel a sense of accomplishment on the handful of shopping trips I have set out on. I may not be at Krazy Coupon Lady level yet, but no doubt I will get there! And in the very least I have been saving upwards of 50% on my grocery store purchases.

Follow my blog and learn how to be a coupon clipping goddess yourself.

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